Only do this exercise if you are not familiar with using a reference manager with latex. Do this exercise individually, but ask your peers (or a teacher) for help if you need to. If you didn't bring your laptop, you may either try to use a service such as overleaf, or do this exercise some other time.
There are two absolute requirements on references:
a) Install a reference manager (e.g. Mendeley or Zotero). Toss a coin if you don't know which to choose.
b) Drop a couple of article pdfs into your reference manager. Export biblatex citations to a .bib file.
c) The following is a minimal example of a latex document using biblatex.
\usepackage[style=nature, backend=biber]{biblatex}
This is a citation \cite{some_author2019}.
Use this example with your exported .bib file to create a nicely formatted reference list.